I was gonna write this a long time ago but i never got the chance so this is why i'm writing it now, and i'm sorry that it's kinda long..hehe
Last month on August 10th, me and Edhika went back home to Indonesia..yeay yeay yeay!
Even though at that moment i was still living happily in Tokyo, i was also excited to come back home..and after 40 most comfortable days back with the people i love, coming back to Tokyo was another challenge.
Turning 20
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It's kinda sad to have a birthday on August, because every year it's always a holiday, and it's the month where you just started school so you can't be with your old friends, but on the other hand you're not that close yet with your new friends. But this year i was wrong. This year was the best birthday i had ever had. This year i realized how lucky i am to be loved and cared by so many people. I've never felt this way before, and its all thank to you guys. Ayah, Ibu, Ade, old friends, new friends, best best friends, everyone, i love you all. Thank you so much for making me feel special when i know i don't deserve it, you are all too kind! terima kasih yang tak terhinggaaa ♥
Ramadhan and Idul Fitri ♥
Setelah dinanti-nanti, Ramadhan akhirnya dateng jugaa..entah kenapa ramadhan kali ini beda banget buat dla, entah karena udah lama ga pulang jadi lebih kerasa banget betapa enaknya ada di rumah spending quality time with my family and people i love, atau karena emang Ramadhan kali ini taught me a lot of new things. I learned about a lot of things important in life from talking with so many inspiring and wonderful people. One thing I learned is, ketika kita menyimpulkan sesuatu berdasarkan apa yang telah terjadi, kenyataan yang kita lihat, dan cerita yang kita dengar, belum tentu apa yang kita simpulkan itu adalah kenyataannya, especially when it comes to other peoples' feelings. What i assumed happened doesn't mean it really happened, sometimes the truth is even more bitter, or - to my surprise - sometimes a little bit sweeter. Yes, *lagi lagi* I learned this the hard way and through the help of time, but like one of my best friends said ".... semua emang butuh waktu dan apa yang kamu rasain sekarang itu, hasil dari kesabaran kamu selama ini." and now I understand, dan InsyaAllah, dla uda sedikit lebih ngerti apa artinya buat ikhlas, and face the fact that i'm changing, everything around me changes; the fact that i'm growing up and letting go. Uda bisa lebih menerima apa yang emang udah Allah siapain buat dla tanpa banyak bertanya "why?", because at the end of the day it will be answered with with a big smile and a heart filled with gratefulness. Belum juga sebulan Ramadhan beres, tapi rasanya udah kangen aja..dla cuman berharap masih bisa ketemu lagi dengan bulan ramadhan tahun depan dan tahun tahun yang akan datang, bersama kelurga yang lengkap dan sehat, dan juga orang-orang yang dla sayang. aammiiiinnn..