Saturday, December 22, 2012


Jadi ceritanya lagi blog walking ke salah satu blog kakak kelas waktu SMA, dan ada seseorang yang komen di postingan kakak itu tentang hidup sebagai berikut...
"hidup itu adalah paradox. antara harap dan cemas. antara berusaha dan pasrah. antara kecintaan dan ketakutan. dalam sebuah samudra possibility yang tidak terbatas."
...dan rasanya setelah baca itu dhilla ga bisa buat ga mengutipnya di blog sendiri (iya, dhilla emang hobby bener mengutip-ngutip hehe). Kebetulan hari ini juga sempat ngobrol sama seorang teman tentang tema yang sama, lagi-lagi tentang hidup. Kita sama-sama pernah berfikiran (dulu, mungkin saat SD) "Kenapa ya Allah kok rasanya ga adil sih, kenapa si B yang ga pernah salat atau bahkan ga percaya sama Allah bisa pinter, sedangkan kita yang rasanya udah belajar mati-matian tapi tetep aja nilai ujiannya jelek (contohnya)."

Saat masih kecil mungkin pola pikir kita masih sederhana, dan naif. Masih memandang segala hal benar-benar kalau bukan hitam ya putih, adil dan tidak adil; tapi semakin kita dewasa kita juga jadi semakin mengerti apa itu arti "ujian hidup". Bukannya Allah ga adil, tapi karena Allah sedang menguji kita. Mana kepikiran saat kecil dulu kalau kita lagi dikasih kebahagiaan sebenarnya kita lagi diberi ujian, kita diuji apakah saat senang kita inget ga sama yang memberi kesenangan itu, kita inget ga untuk bersyukur. Dan mana kepikiran juga sebaliknya kalau kita lagi sakit kita sedang disayang sama Allah. Tapi menurut dhilla pribadi itulah indahnya islam. Kita disadarkan kalau hidup di dunia itu cuman sementara, dan segala hal yang kita lakuin sekarang akan ada balasannya dari Allah di kehidupan berikutnya.

Kebetulan semester ini dhilla ngambil kelas "Food and Culture". Seperti namanya, di kelas itu kita ngebahas tentang hubungan makanan dengan budaya, dan termasuk di dalamnya agama juga. Beberapa minggu yang lalu kita ngebahas tentang agama. Nah, di awal kelas itu sang dosen minta setiap mahasiswa untuk menceritakan apa agama yang kita anut dan apakah makanan memegang peran dalam agama kita itu. Dari sekitar 12 orang di kelas itu yang berasal dari berbagai belahan dunia, cuman dhilla dan seorang cewe dari Jepang yang bisa secara tegas mengatakan apa agama yang kita anut tanpa ada embel-embel "tapi" dibelakangnya. Kebanyakan dari mereka bilang "Orang tua saya menganut agama B, tapi saya tidak menjalaninya." atau "Saya dibesarkan dengan agama A, tapi saat ini saya menjalani hidup dengan memegang prinsip saya sendiri." Dosen dhilla pun mengatakan hal yang serupa tentang agamanya. Menurut beliau dalam waktu 50 tahun yang akan datang mungkin kebanyakan orang akan berfikiran "buat apa memeluk salah satu agama saja, saya akan mengambil yang saya inginkan saja dari setiap agama." Menurut dosen dhilla itu, manusia yang semakin modern tidak akan mau dikekang dengan batasan agama. Saat itu sebenarnya dhilla jelas ga setuju, tapi terlalu malas rasanya buat berargumen karna kelasnya juga uda tinggal beberapa menit lagi. Tapi yang jelas dhilla inget banget saat itu dhilla jadi semakin bersyukur masih diberikan nikmat iman. Bersyukur walaupun orang-orang sekitar dhilla mungkin ga punya pola pikir dengan dasar yang sama, tapi Allah selalu aja punya cara tersendiri buat ngingetin dhilla.

Arti hidup bagi setiap orang udah pasti beda. Kita semua dibesarkan dari keluarga yang berbeda, nilai-nilai hidup yang beda; tujuan, impian, harapan, dan juga kemana akan bergantungnya setiap orang ga akan sama. Mau gimana juga dhilla akan menghargai prinsip-prinsip itu (selama ga mengganggu prinsip-prinsip dhilla sendiri). Berbeda itu bukan selalu berarti jelek. Perbedaan yang ada disekitar dhilla contohnya, malah bikin dhilla semakin banyak belajar, dan *semoga* semakin banyak bersyukur. Punya prinsip sendiri itu emang harus, tapi bukan berarti juga memaksakanya kepada orang lain. :)

PS : mulai sekarang dhilla pengen nyoba nge-blog pakai bahasa Indonesia juga aah! Ga mau sampai bahasa Indonesia yang sudah kacau ini semakin kacau dengan bercampurnya bahasa Inggris yang memburuk dan bahasa Jepang yang cuman setingkat anak TK ini! haha *ketawa miris :')
Oiya, hampir lupa, selamat hari Ibu untuk semua wanita hebat di seluruh Indonesia! We love you! And especially for my amazing mother who has given me so much that I could never ever give anything comparable in return. You mean the world to me! 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Just like what i said in the post right before this one, how i easily get distracted by something really random when i'm doing my homework or other boring things; i just found this comic strip and it explains exactly how i feel! :D

Don't you feel the same way? hahaha *nyari temen banget sih, dhil!* 
I got this picture from here; you should go check them out! Her blog is amazing! Especially for foreigners living in Japan; she has explained our feeling *almost* perfectly!

Well, 2013 is just around the corner and i hope i can reduce the power of procrastination in me :)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Kyoto - Osaka TRIP!

I shouldn't be writing in my blog now. I should be making my presentation for my seminar class on Wednesday! But when it comes to making tasks im not that interested in, any slight unimportant thing will seem so much more interesting to me than to actually do what i'm suppose to do!
I was reading some stuff on a topic of what i might be doing for my thesis, but then i saw a nail clipper and decided i should really clip my nails now and just stopped reading and haven't continued since, hahaha

So other then doing something really useless, let me tell you about my Osaka & Kyoto trip with one of my best friends. Her name is Mook (i think i mentioned her before in some of my older posts). We were planning to have this trip for a while now but it just didn't seem to happen, until we realized that we didn't have much time left and just decided to go a few days before our departure. We searched the internet for the cheapest airplane or bus ticket and finally bought the last two seats for the bus to Osaka on November the 23rd.
I was expecting to get a normal bus, the ones i usually ride on to go snowboarding (a normal bus with normal seats) but it turns out the bus that we rode on was quite comfortable..everyone got their own seat and you could stretch your feet and sleep comfortably. That was a relief. :)

We arrived in Osaka at around 7am, we put our luggage in the locker, had breakfast, and headed off to Universal Studio Japan!
The rides were awesome! In USJ there's something called single rider, where you will get in line and sit in the remaining seats that are left in the rides..a normal line would take around 40 minutes in line, but using the single rider line we only waited for about 5 minutes! What a time saver.. So with using this trick we were able to enjoy our time, take lots of pictures and ride on 5 main rides in USJ!
Because it will be christmas soon there was a spectacular light show and carol which also got the Guinness world record for most light up on a single tree! It was really really cool!

 waiting for the light show and carol to start!

The next day we went to Kyoto! Finally, after 2.5 years living in Japan, i eventually get to see how pretty that historic city actually is.. It was the middle (almost the end actually) of autumn and all the leaves have turned red, yellow and orange, it was marvellous! We went to 金閣寺 (read : Kinkaku-ji) also known as the temple with the golden pavillon, 稲荷大神 (read : Inari Okami) famous for it's red torii along a path and last but not least 清水寺 (read : Kiyomizu Dera) one of the famous Buddhist temples that was being lite up after dark during the last weeks of autumn.

金閣時 - Kinkaku Temple

稲荷大神 - Inari Okami

 清水寺 - Kiyomizu Temple

One of our main purpose of this trip was to take many many pictures! Above are some of the pictures i took, oh yeah, but the picture of me was taken by Mook! :)

Can't wait for the next trips!

Friday, November 30, 2012


久しぶり(re : Hisashiburi) which in Japanese literally means "after a long time".
That word probably best describes how i feel about my blog, I can't believe it has taken me this long to start writing in it again. 2012 is about to end and i have only posted 7 times, even though i do have a handful of drafts, but it doesn't count unless you actually publish them i guess, hehe :p

I have been really, really enjoying the past couple of months to the fullest. Many new exciting experiences, (and even feelings) that seemed to have happen all so sudden but yet will always have a special place in my memories. They were all priceless. Both the good and bad.

After coming back from Indonesia to spend my summer holiday back home, on the 26th of September me and 15 other people set off on a plane to Detroit.  I was lucky enough to get a chance to participate in the 12th International Student Summit (ISS) as one of the chairpersons. Every year TUA (my university) holds this event in our campus (the Setagaya campus) but this year for the very first time the ISS was held outside of Japan and was organised by two universities. This year it was held in Michigan State University in East Lansing.

The first few days were used to plan the whole ISS which will be held from the 30th of September until October the 5th. There were times that it was hard to get everyone on the same page, as for the people that have actually participated in ISS before were less than 10 in the total of the student committee of around 45 people. But everything seemed to fall in place and turn out really great. The 12th ISS was great. I gained so many new experiences, new friends, and of course new knowledge too. I felt so sad when it ended, that week of ISS just didn't seem enough.

The presenters presented so many great ideas. This year's theme was "Students Taking Action in Response to Energy Challenges in the Areas of Food, Agriculture and Environment." As energy issues has became a recent hot topic and will probably still be a hot topic in the future, through this ISS i saw how even though we should be worried, but it also made me realize that we still have a promising future. There are still many passionate people who care and want to make a difference with any small step possible. In the session i was charing, the area of food and community session, one of the topics that i found really interesting was about food miles.

Food miles is the distance the food travels from the farmer's field to the consumer's table; the higher the number of miles, the higher the environmental impact. Of course when we look at it this way we would want to emit as less food miles as possible (make the travel distance of the food as short as possible), however when we do that we are narrowing chances for other countries (mostly developing countries) to try getting better markets abroad. Of course like every other topics, food miles too has it's advantages and disadvantages, but the discussions we had about this topic were very intenses and exciting.

Anyway I could go on and on talking to you about all the exciting things during ISS, but what better way then to show you then through pictures ;)

This is our team; team Japan. These people are amazing and i love each and every one of them 

And this is my session group, food and community B2. We're the girls' power team! The one in the middle is Ashley, she was also the chairperson for our session. :)

the famous "Sparty" , the mascot for Michigan State University.

MSU's huge football field. It was such an honor to be able to come up to the VIP box, even the most MSU students themselves haven't been here. And the view was so beautiful, everyone say's Michigan is at it's best in autumn. 

we also got to visit Frankenmuth, Michigan's little German town.

Michigan State Capitol, not only was it pretty outside, but the inside was even better!

During my three weeks there I took pictures and videos up to 19 GB! Everything just had to be cherished, but even so, all those pictures could never be enough for me to relive this priceless experience. Michigan was such a beautiful place with really really friendly people, a place i would love to visit again someday. But til then I hope I can travel to other new and exciting places just as exciting as this one    

Don't forget to keep on living to the fullest guys!

Friday, June 8, 2012

quote of the day

“Orang berilmu dan beradab tidak akan diam di kampung halaman
Tinggalkan negerimu dan merantaulah ke negeri orang
Merantaulah, kau akan dapatkan pengganti dari kerabat dan kawan
Berlelah-lelahlah, manisnya hidup terasa setelah lelah berjuang.
Aku melihat air menjadi rusak karena diam tertahan
Jika mengalir menjadi jernih, jika tidak, kan keruh menggenang
Singa jika tak tinggalkan sarang tak akan dapat mangsa
Anak panah jika tidak tinggalkan busur tak akan kena sasaran
Jika matahari di orbitnya tidak bergerak dan terus diam
Tentu manusia bosan padanya dan enggan memandang
Bijih emas bagaikan tanah biasa sebelum digali dari tambang
Kayu gaharu tak ubahnya seperti kayu biasa jika di dalam hutan.”

- Imam Syafi'i

Thursday, May 24, 2012

happiness is simple

Its that time of the year again, just two months away from the month i've been waiting for the most; the best month of the year; Ramadhan! Time really does fly fast, faster than we'll ever realize. I feel all mixed up about how time flies, it gets me all sad, scared, happy and excited at the same time.

Anyway, today i woke up to find such beautiful weather outside, not too hot and still a lot of nice breezy air. Woke up to a ray of sunlight that peeked into my room from the crack between the curtains. I opened the curtain, and then opened my big window and looked up to the bright clear blue sky, and thought 「ああ~ いい天気だね」(such nice weather today). Yes, im happy. Happy for all the great things i have in life, happy for all the things i don't have either. Not knowing  the real reason why i am happy but all i can say is that i truly am happy. Days with beautiful weather like today makes me feel more grateful for how my life ended up, all the things that i have now, things that i have never even dreamed of 5 years ago, but its all real. This morning i had a light chat with my Japaneses room mate, something that was really rare cause shes usually very busy - getting up really early and heading home just to sleep - but i enjoy the short talks we seldom have. It was a great way to start the day. Later on i finished a drama i was watching called 「私が恋愛できない理由」, it had a good ending and that made me happy too. For lunch i went to the school's cafeteria with a friend and ate the usual menu, fried seafood set, today the squid was extra delicious and the cafeteria lady gave us extra kimchi, and yes that made me happy too. Everyone says that happiness is simple, and for me, today was one of those real example of that happy feeling you get out of really simple things. Alhamdulillah.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

first attempt

i love to doodle! especially in class, and now i'm trying to make doodles with a new "equipment" :3
these pictures are my first attempts! still have to learn a lot though, so anyone out there, some help please......?

Friday, April 27, 2012

played on repeat!

Someone is waiting
someone who understands exactly how you feel, exactly how you feel..
someone is dreaming
someone is hoping just that this will be the day, that this will be the day..
that you take your eyes off the ground, out of the blue
and see that someone is looking right back at you..

maybe that someone's me, maybe it's meant to be
lovers, strangers
sometimes bombs fall quietly..
maybe it's chemistry
maybe it's hard to see that someone is the right one
i hope that someone is me..

nobody's perfect, nobody's perfect, no one really knows the truth
all we've got a point of view..
and there's too many questions
there's too many questions and too many reasons not to try
there's too many reasons not to try..

but you should take your eyes off the ground
out of the blue
and see that someone is looking right
back at you..

where ya gonna go from here??
cause everything you need's out there
and you can have it if you dare
if you dare
there's someone somewhere..

Well, i recently bought this song in itunes and have been loving it since..for me personally, i like songs that aren`t too mainstream, sometimes i like the feeling that i get when i listen to songs that aren`t common for others but is special to me. I don`t know why though, maybe that`s just my taste in music, how bout you? Ever felt that way?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

random quote

“Not smiling does not necessary mean I am not happy. It just means that I’m not smiling — as simple as that.” 
quoted from the blog of a great photographer

btw,  his photos are really great, almost everyone of them made me smile — and envy him for his great talent! go check them out for yourself! :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

family ♥

Saw this quote in Instagram and immediately fell in love with it

"You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ♥" -Desmond Tutu
Ya Allah, thank you for the greatest gift ever. 

Sunday, January 15, 2012

molten lava cake

So the last couple of weeks i had winter holiday (from December 27th - January 6th). On the first week i was mostly at home so i tried baking! I was gonna post this on that day, but i kept on forgetting, so, here it is! 
There are many times when i bake a cake, or muffin, or something else, it doesn't turn out quite as i expected, however even though this batch of molten lava cake weren't perfect either, i want to share the recipe with step by step pictures. It was really easy, and very few ingredients too.

First, you'll need 113 gr of semi sweet cooking chocolate. I didn't have that so i used 2 bars of regular chocolate instead, but one was the dark bitter type. Cut the chocolate so it would melt easier. While doing this, start to pre heat your oven at 180 C.

Next, you'll need 113 gr of butter. Cut the butter into small pieces too and put it in a microwaveable bowl with the chocolate. I was too lazy to melt the chocolate and butter on a stove, so i melted them by putting in the the microwave for 2 minutes.

Now in a separate bowl, crack 2 eggs, add 75 gr of sugar, and whisk them together (i used a mixer) until fluffy.

When you're done, add the melted chocolate and butter to the egg and sugar mix, and stir it until its even (don't use a mixer). After that add 40 gr of all purpose flour and mix until incorporated.

If it's well mixed, put the chocolate mix into ramekins that has been greased with butter. Since i didn't have any ramekins, i used a silicon muffin pan. And now it's ready to go in your oven! Pop it in to the pre-heated oven, set it to 180 C, and bake it for 10 minutes. It's better to just bake it for exactly 10 minutes because if you put it in longer, the lava in the middle might be too cooked. But, if you prefer it that way then it's up to you. :)
sprinkle on some suger powder and enjoy!

Note : as you can see i am no cook, the great cooks that made this recipe can be found on this link. hehe.. and i'm sorry for the bad quality of photos. i guess taking pictures while snowboarding in a snow storm did affect my camera. hehe..