Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Tomorrow is my macroeconomics final exam, and other than studying, I don’t know why I decied to clean up my room instead..haha

When I was sorting the books, picture frames and all my crazy arts and craft stuff on my table I realized I had a pretty blue bowl full of paper stars..waah, ampe lupa punya bintang-bintang harapan (that’s what I call them because in almost every star I wrote my wishes and prayers in them), hehe…abis ketutupan sama kehebohan yang ada di meja dla…Kayanya uda lamaaaaa bgt dla bikin bintang-bintang itu, about 3 years ago when I first got in to high school..akhirnya dla iseng milih 3 bintang, penasaran pengen buka, pengen liat apa sih yang dla pgnin 3 taun yang lalu…


pas buka rasanya lucu aja...it made me smile, those simple prayers, silly hopes…
“semoga ayah beli HP baru biar HP ayah diturunin ke aku”
“semoga dla bias jadi anak pinter dan masuk IPA”
“Ya Allah, mavin semua salah dla yaaa”

And now as I open them 3 years later and I don’t even remember writing them…tapi ternyata those hopes did come true, jadi kentyataan qo dla akhirnya masuk IPA, and my dad also bought me a new cell phone (better than the one I wanted 3 years ago, hehe)..so now I realize even simple and silly prayers that maybe we didn’t really mean will be answered by God, maybe not now, but later when He thinks the time is right.
I remember my mom told me that Gaek (my grandpa) use to always tell my mom and her brothers and sisters to learn Japanese (Dulu Gaek itu kerjanya jadi pelaut di pertamina dan sering bolak balik ke Jepang) but until the day my grandpa died none of his kids could speak Japanese. But now almost 6 years after Gaek died, guess who’s learning the Japanese language..ME! Cucu pertamanya yang malah belajar bahasa Jepang… Even though Gaek is gone, but still Allah generously answered Gaeks wish.
Ga tau kenapa sekarang dla jadi punya keterikatan khusus sama hal-hal yang berhubungan sama hopes and dreams..hehe
Dreams, everyone has them..
some good, some bad, some knew they would forget, sometimes you realized you’ve out grown them, sometimes you feel like their finally coming true..but, no matter what you dream, when morning comes reality intrudes and your dreams start slipping away..but if you’re lucky that those dreams might just become your reality.. :)
dream big..and don’t be surprised what you’ll find when you reach for your dreams.. :)

bermimpilah, maka Allah akan memeluk mimpimu.


  1. ディラーちゃん、
    banyakk bgt bintang harapannyaa..hehe
    dulu edhika bikin 1 aja sampe frustasi susah ngebentuk bintangnya pasti mencong.

  2. hihihi, seru loh dhik bikin bintang bintang :)
    tapi emang kertasnya harus bagus klo ga suka ga mau d pencet..hhehe
    dhikaaaa, dla kan pgn bikin blog terinspirasi blog kamuu ;) thank youuuu!

  3. dilaa... ni milla.. inget ga? hhe,
    bener banget dil.. meskipun sepele, kadang permintaan kita terkabul...
    sama, mila juga sekarang jadi agak terobsesi dengan mimpi.. hhe,
    udah nyampe jepang yaa..?
    duh...senangnya... hati-hati di negri orang yaa... hhe

  4. milaa, milaa..mav baru d bls..hehe
    iya, alhamdulillah :)
    take care milaa :)
